Fail plan

I had this plan. This plan was born due to an action that I executed 6 month ago. I QUIT my job. My good job with good people and pretty good environment. Stress? of course. Its a job. If you not stress doing a job then its a hobby.

My mom passed away and she was the first person that I lost that was really significant to my hold entire being. Being emotionally retarded, I really don’t know how to express or talk about it. When people asked, I always tell them “oh I already prepare for the lost” but what really goes inside.. even I cannot explain.

So all those pent-up emotion just broil inside of me and I just snap. Luckily I didn’t go crazy just crying out of the blue while recording invoice to the system. Yeah.. What a weirdo. But it did not stop there. The day before I was crying to sleep and continued to work. It was bad. I had to go to toilet and finish crying while texting Amira.

Then is when I decide to go back home and just be around family. I didn’t even have a backup job to fall to. I just quit with a month notice of course because I am ethical despite lying about the reason of quitting. hehe.

Finding job that match my degree around my area are really difficult. Like its been 6 month of me being unemployed. To a point that I was starting to think maybe I have to venture far from home again. But am I ready for that?

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